
Friday, January 24, 2014

What are the key steps to becoming more productive when facing a new daunting project?

We all have experienced it. You are thrown into a new project, team, or role, and you're trying your best to make sense of this new environment. When asked to create your first product in your new atmosphere, the feeling of being overwhelming can sink in. Where do you start?

However, there are three simple steps that can lower stress and set you on the fast track to returning a product to your team members. The linear process proceeds as follows. First, you develop your product. Second, you must determine if your product met the necessary metrics to over exceed expectations. This stage requires a feedback loop to make iterations to your original product. Third, you continue to make adjustments until all of the pre-defined metrics meet the goal that your team leader has bestowed upon you.

But, in terms of terminating procrastination, the keys to getting off the launch pad for beginning a new product is to reverse engineer these three high level steps. Although this may seem common sense, the first step is to determine the goal and break it down, with the latter being more essential.

You're goal is to deliver a great presentation. How would a great presentation be determined? By feedback from the audience. What kind of feedback would be benevolent? Any improvement to the audiences line of business. What improvements can we make to their business? They have not been receiving the best financing options available. And there is the goal: improve the clients business's financing options. This process will truly narrow down what goal one must be accomplished.

The next step in the planning phase to becoming more productive in the face of a daunting project is to determine the metrics that will determine success. These should be quantifiable and measurable. The metrics should be testable and verifiable under the scientific method. Continuing off the previous example, specific financing option measurements should be noted in the presentation. But also, a quantitative way to measure audience engagement through questions asked should also be measured. These measurements can be taken by delivering practice presentations to peers.

Finally, the devil is in the details. It is time to start building this presentation or product. Remember, you have the defined metrics already. So, how can you build this product to meet those metrics. If one of your metrics is audience engagement through questions, then incorporate ways to interact the audience in your presentation. Do not just stand up there and blabber on, but instead, ask the audience questions as well.

In the end, reverse engineering is a successful method to use for a plethora of projects. When unsure of where to begin, ask yourself what the end product will accomplish? Then ask yourself, how can I measure whether my end product accomplished the goal I set? Finally, you have to just get started and begin building a product that answers those metric questions.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

4 Arguments Favoring Mobile Devices Over Mobile Applications

Now a days, everyone is familiar with the trend of mobile technologies. When a person hears mobile in a technological environment, their minds immediately jump to smart phones. From this point, the next logical step in this process is to begin envisioning mobile applications when given the initial "mobile technology" buzzword. However, the exponential trend towards mobile technology encompasses so much more than mere applications.

I list some of the reasons why entrepreneurs need to be thinking about mobile devices in general and not merely mobile applications below. But first, consider these eye opening fact. Only 26% of mobile applications are opened more than once. An astonishingly low 16% of people will open an application for a third time after two unpleasant experiences. Now, we see that your next mobile application can be a home run or a caught-looking-strikeout. There is no in between successful and unsuccessful applications, which means that your next application not only has to function flawlessly, but it also has to be intriguing and stimulate people's sense of curiosity. 

So, now we explore why people will gravitate towards mobile devices in general rather than smart phone applications.

1. People Become Enamored With Physical Objects Easier

To be as blunt as possible, people prefer things that they can touch. The only way that human beings experience the world is through our five senses. Mobile applications short change one of the most important senses. Touching a screen on a phone just is not quite the same as possessing a unique item that stimulates ones sense of touch.

The best possible combination is to join the software world with the tangible world. Some mobile application developers have already accomplished this feat with the mobile credit card readerbreathalyzer, and many more examples. Objects such as these will be used much more than if there was an application that accomplished the same feat. 

Entrepreneurs must appeal to the sense of touch.

2. People Pay More for Physical Objects

For the reason that people are more enamored with physical objects, they will end up paying more for a similar concept that offers the same benefits. Take the Nike Fuel Band for instance. This is a fantastic and genius invention. In as short of a description as possible, the Fuel Band is a wearable bracelet that monitors and tracks physical activity and lets users visualize the results on the internet or a mobile application.

Imagine if someone had created an iPhone application that tracked, recorded, and operated in an identical manner to the Nike Fuel Band. The difference would be the price. The iPhone application developer would have trouble convincing people to not only spend $15, but to download the application for free. There is definitely no way they could garner $150+ for their application.

Simply, people are willing to pay more for a mobile device than a phone application. It may be irrational, but it is a fact of human emotion.

3. Physical Objects Can Also Serve as an Accessory

Next, some mobile devices are multi-talented and solves two problems with one solution. A mobile device should be made into an accessory. One that is stylish, yet is technologically adept with functionality. Smart watches have begun to take the imagination of the public up, up, and away. Not that I would wear the watch below, but at least people are migrating towards wearable devices. Google Glass is another great mobile device example.

People like buying accessories so they can show them off to friends and use them as a status symbol as well. Wearable mobile devices are cool, fashionable, and the future.

4. Physical Objects Are Easier to Understand

Lastly, physical devices are just simply easier to understand. They may appeal to our monkey minds, but people not only pick up the main concept of a tangible object faster while touching it, but also people are willing to spend more time understanding an object that they can touch as opposed to a software program.

Physical objects can be seen by other people as well. This lets one person show off their new (more expensive) purchase to friends. Tangible technologies also provide a talking point. One friend notices a mobile device and then shares his or her own experience while using the device. Contrasted with having a mobile application sit on a phone in someone's pocket, never to be seen or brought up in conversation.

There are a plethora of other reasons why people should be shifting towards mobile devices and away from mobile applications. But to summarize it up as concisely as possible, for whatever reason, people value tangible items more than intangible pieces of software. Don't build a mobile application, build a mobile device.